‘Welcome to Sportsline Live Scoring Fantasy Game Center Addicts Support group.’
“Hi, my name is Rich”
‘Hiii Rich’
“I think I may have a problem. Sportsline updates the standings to my fantasy baseball league, the CFCL, pitch by pitch! I can’t believe it! I watch each night as my team moves up and down the standings. I can’t get enough of it.”
‘Admitting you have a problem, Rich, is the first step to recovery. This support group for Addiction to Sportsline Live Scoring Fantasy Game Center (ASLSFGC) is designed to help fantasy owners with the issues that you have expressed. In fact, you may recognize that guy in chair number two. He’s here because he would rather look at the Game Center than his own son.’
“Hey, Kenn. How’s it going?”
‘If you’re serious about getting help, we are happy to assist you. Are you familiar with the “12 Steps”?’
“Not in detail.”
‘OK, let’s review them.’
1) Admit we are powerless
“Gotcha. I am powerless. Every night I find myself clicking on my bookmarked page to see how my team is doing and then just sit there entranced until the final out of the evening is recorded. I also admit that I am powerless to the fact that Grady Little won’t play Wilson Betemit so Willie can work his way out of his slump.”
2) Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity
“I’m not sure how this will help. The power of Derrek Lee’s swing and Aaron Harang’s fastball is what got me in trouble to begin with.”
3) Made decision to turn our will and lives over to God
“I’ve always viewed Hank Aaron as a baseball god. He’s been through much more than I have ever been and currently has to deal with this whole Bonds mess, so I’m willing to turn over my life and will to him. No problem with two out of three so far.”
4) Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
“I think I’m okay here. I made a few deals during the off-season and morally I feel good. Some may have questioned the legitimacy of Zambrano for Weathers, but given the opportunity Weathers currently has and the fact it saved the DoorMatts .22 for the draft, I’m comfortable with it. Moral inventory – check.”
5) Admit to God, ourselves and others exact nature of our wrongs
“Hank, I should have drafted you last year. Finishing last without pulling out all stops, that was just flat wrong.”
6) Ready to have God remove all defects of our character.
“By all means, please. And while you’re at it, can you remove the defects from Sportsline’s website? I mean, not being able to view a Waiver List is insane. And what’s with the IBB column? Like we have to be told that the pitcher Issued a Base on Balls. Is there any other kind of Base on Balls other than one that was issued by the pitcher? And HA?! Of course the pitcher Allowed a Hit! Is there also a column for Hit Not Allowed? . . .Oh man, I’m only half way through the list and already I’m going back to my bad place.”
7) Humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings
“Hammer, don’t hurt me.”
8) Make a list of all persons we have harmed and become willing to make amends to them all
“Okay, let’s see, there’s Kim, Katelyn, Ally and Kristi. Am I still harming them if I mainly have this addiction at night after they’ve gone to bed? Never mind, I’ll probably slip up on a weekend afternoon. Make amends – check.”
9) Make direct amends to all such people, except when to do so would injure them or others
“I’m glad you point this out. While I don’t want any bodily injury to come my way, although I think it’s inevitable, I’m concerned that the frying pan directed at my head may miss me and smack one of the girls.”
10) Continue to take personal inventory and when we are wrong, promptly admit it
“Wow, you’re good. Step number 10 and you’ve already caught me. Between Steps 8 and 9 I clicked over to find that I’m still in second, now only ONE point behind the Copperfields. Back around Step 2 I was three points behind.”
11) Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we know him
“Now I lay me down to sleep, Hank Aaron takes Al Downing deep. If I dream before I wake, let Prince Fielder a cycle make.”
12) Have a spiritual awakening of these steps we try to carry this message to others afflicted with ASLSFGC
“The other ten of you are welcome to join Kenn and me at the next meeting. Internet connectivity is strictly forbidden.”
Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
What's in a name?
There was a lot of talk in recent years about team nicknames. Is the Cleveland American League Baseball Team being disrespectful of Native Americans by using the nickname Indians and having a logo with an Indian caricature? Is the University of Illinois being disrespectful by calling their teams the “Fighting Illini” and having Chief Illiniwek do a traditional dance on the basketball court at halftime? Was the Washington Professional Basketball Team really promoting violence in the nation’s capital by naming their team the Bullets? (Sure they were, so let’s fix the problem by changing the team name to the Wizards. That shouldn’t cause any issues in a city that is predominantly African American.)
We (as a country) basically commit genocide and then want to use “Indians”, “Braves”, “Redskins”, “Fighting Illini” and say that these tribes and people are being “honored”. Perhaps we should have honored them from the beginning by not taking their land, attacking them for no other reason than they had what we wanted and making them basically a Third World Country when they were, in fact, a great nation.
Even the team names a little closer to home can come into question. Dem Rebels can be viewed as a politically incorrect name, especially with the sabers on the logo (coupled with the fact that in the original Rebel logo, from years ago, a modified version of the Stars and Bars) and that somehow the Rebels support racism and slavery. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rebel was the first (and only) word that came to mind when I put my initials together (REB). Certainly I was in a hurry to come up with a great name and get away from the colossal mistake of the Electric Eels from 1984 (Full name: BEN T’s ELectric Eels).
The decision makers on whether a mascot or team name is offensive should be the group that the team name represents, NOT the US Government, PETA, Oprah or any other group trying to get their name in the papers.
Personally I think that alcohol and guns should be outlawed and NEVER used. But then I don’t drink and am not into firearms. If those two items were to be outlawed – no skin off my nose, I wouldn’t even miss it. But if someone came along saying that Fantasy Baseball and Red Licorice are bad for society, I would be picketing, sitting in, and fighting THE MAN any way I could think of. Point is, the people doing most of the bitching about team names and mascots:
A) Aren’t from that ethnic group,
B) Don’t have much intelligence, and
C) Don’t care if the mascot/team name goes away because they are not tied to it.
College football, baseball, professional football and any other organized sports group should sit down with leaders from the groups whose names, nicknames, culture is being used and find out if the leaders and their nation/society/people are offended. If they are, change the team nickname. If they aren’t, use the nickname and everyone else shut the hell up.
We (as a country) basically commit genocide and then want to use “Indians”, “Braves”, “Redskins”, “Fighting Illini” and say that these tribes and people are being “honored”. Perhaps we should have honored them from the beginning by not taking their land, attacking them for no other reason than they had what we wanted and making them basically a Third World Country when they were, in fact, a great nation.
Even the team names a little closer to home can come into question. Dem Rebels can be viewed as a politically incorrect name, especially with the sabers on the logo (coupled with the fact that in the original Rebel logo, from years ago, a modified version of the Stars and Bars) and that somehow the Rebels support racism and slavery. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rebel was the first (and only) word that came to mind when I put my initials together (REB). Certainly I was in a hurry to come up with a great name and get away from the colossal mistake of the Electric Eels from 1984 (Full name: BEN T’s ELectric Eels).
The decision makers on whether a mascot or team name is offensive should be the group that the team name represents, NOT the US Government, PETA, Oprah or any other group trying to get their name in the papers.
Personally I think that alcohol and guns should be outlawed and NEVER used. But then I don’t drink and am not into firearms. If those two items were to be outlawed – no skin off my nose, I wouldn’t even miss it. But if someone came along saying that Fantasy Baseball and Red Licorice are bad for society, I would be picketing, sitting in, and fighting THE MAN any way I could think of. Point is, the people doing most of the bitching about team names and mascots:
A) Aren’t from that ethnic group,
B) Don’t have much intelligence, and
C) Don’t care if the mascot/team name goes away because they are not tied to it.
College football, baseball, professional football and any other organized sports group should sit down with leaders from the groups whose names, nicknames, culture is being used and find out if the leaders and their nation/society/people are offended. If they are, change the team nickname. If they aren’t, use the nickname and everyone else shut the hell up.
Monday, April 16, 2007
San Diego steals another one
Another talented Chicagoan was signed by the San Diego Padres recently. Not only did Greg Maddux sign with San Diego, but now Andy Masur will provide play by play and color commentary on XX Sports Radio (1090 AM and 105.7 FM). This is a well deserved opportunity for the talented team player. An opportunity I wish he was receiving at WGN.
In my opinion this was a huge loss for the Cubs and WGN. On the Cubs broadcast side Masur always did a fantastic job filling in for Pat Hughes during Pat’s 7th or 8th inning breaks. I was always amazed at how this guy could do score and baseball news updates throughout the game and then sit in Pat’s chair for a half inning at the end of the game and sound like he had been calling the whole game. [THIS JUST IN – Pat Hughes, in his negotiation of his new contract, asked for and received an additional half inning break. So now he only calls eight innings. Imagine sitting down with your employer and stating that you would like to keep working for them (at a raise in pay no doubt) and do 11% less work?!! Don’t anyone tell me that the Sandberg deal, when they signed him for $7 million a year and the previous high in baseball was $5 million per, was a bad negotiation.]
Until the Cubs signed Hughes to a long-term deal I had secretly hoped (and expected) that Masur was being groomed to take over. Hughes has never really done it for me. “Welllll, what kind of beverage are you drinking there, Ron?” gets kind of old by May. Oh sure, he’s a talented play by play man and just won the 2006 Illinois Sportscaster of the Year Award, but when you’re up against Harrelson, Singleton and Joniak you BETTER win the award.
I had even heard that at one point in the 2005(?) season Hughes sat down with the then Program Director of WGN and said “I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I need a break. I’m exhausted. I need a vacation.” Exhausted from sitting at a ballpark and talking with a close friend? I know the travel isn’t as romantic as one might think, but “exhausted”? From sitting in a shaded booth with endless supplies of food and drink? The bellhops carry the bags and while Masur was around, Hughes didn’t even have to remind Ron to pack his toupees or other accessories.
Based on that conversation I assumed the Cubs might move in a different (Masurly) direction once Hughes’ contract came up. But that didn’t happen. Could be because the Program Director changed before Hughes’ contract expired. Could be that Hughes was rejuvenated over the last season or so by doing more Pilates in the off season to prepare him for the 162 game grind (although with Pat’s new clause of “one inning off per game” Hughes won’t broadcast 162 innings this year – the equivalent of 18 GAMES!!!!). Who knows? All I know is that Chicago lost another talent to the San Diego Padres.
In my opinion this was a huge loss for the Cubs and WGN. On the Cubs broadcast side Masur always did a fantastic job filling in for Pat Hughes during Pat’s 7th or 8th inning breaks. I was always amazed at how this guy could do score and baseball news updates throughout the game and then sit in Pat’s chair for a half inning at the end of the game and sound like he had been calling the whole game. [THIS JUST IN – Pat Hughes, in his negotiation of his new contract, asked for and received an additional half inning break. So now he only calls eight innings. Imagine sitting down with your employer and stating that you would like to keep working for them (at a raise in pay no doubt) and do 11% less work?!! Don’t anyone tell me that the Sandberg deal, when they signed him for $7 million a year and the previous high in baseball was $5 million per, was a bad negotiation.]
Until the Cubs signed Hughes to a long-term deal I had secretly hoped (and expected) that Masur was being groomed to take over. Hughes has never really done it for me. “Welllll, what kind of beverage are you drinking there, Ron?” gets kind of old by May. Oh sure, he’s a talented play by play man and just won the 2006 Illinois Sportscaster of the Year Award, but when you’re up against Harrelson, Singleton and Joniak you BETTER win the award.
I had even heard that at one point in the 2005(?) season Hughes sat down with the then Program Director of WGN and said “I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I need a break. I’m exhausted. I need a vacation.” Exhausted from sitting at a ballpark and talking with a close friend? I know the travel isn’t as romantic as one might think, but “exhausted”? From sitting in a shaded booth with endless supplies of food and drink? The bellhops carry the bags and while Masur was around, Hughes didn’t even have to remind Ron to pack his toupees or other accessories.
Based on that conversation I assumed the Cubs might move in a different (Masurly) direction once Hughes’ contract came up. But that didn’t happen. Could be because the Program Director changed before Hughes’ contract expired. Could be that Hughes was rejuvenated over the last season or so by doing more Pilates in the off season to prepare him for the 162 game grind (although with Pat’s new clause of “one inning off per game” Hughes won’t broadcast 162 innings this year – the equivalent of 18 GAMES!!!!). Who knows? All I know is that Chicago lost another talent to the San Diego Padres.
Monday, April 9, 2007
A pat on the back with a hand in the pocket
The rebirth of the Monroe Doctrine has provided a few things. It has provided me many flashbacks to the early days of the CFCL where I would sit at my pretend job at the Savings and Loan and do the serious work of cranking out the Monroe Doctrine, looking for any way possible to insult the resident CFCL punching bag, Bob Monroe. It has re-opened a creative outlet for the few remaining grey cells between my ears which I am hoping you all will enjoy over the course of the season.
In fact, I have been overwhelmed with the kind words about my early submissions. Amazingly . . . these kind words have been immediately followed with trade offers and proposals.
And mind you the e-mails don’t lead with the trade proposal and follow with a cast off line of “Oh yeah, read the Monroe Doctrine. Nice.” The lead-in is how much the Monroe Doctrine is being enjoyed: “Can’t wait to read the next one,” “I skip past the rest of the report to read the Monroe Doctrine first”, and then the trade offer comes. So while I’m awash in the glow of adulation, I’m thinking “Gee that Matt is a swell fellow. I should do business with such a nice guy.”
And I know that you vultures KNOW THIS!!! So here I am looking at Augie Ojeda for Derek Lee and Prince Fielder, thinking “Hmm, this seems a little lopsided. But I must be missing something because he wouldn’t be trying to screw me. I mean ‘He likes me, he really likes me!’”
So just as I am about to pull the trigger on the deal, my five year old (Kristi [named for Mathewson] Grace [named for Mark]) glances over my shoulder and says “Papa are you nuts? You have to at least get a 4th round draft pick in return as well!” And then . . . the spell is broken.
I come to my senses and say “Hah! Your flirtatious overtures WILL NOT work! Oh sure, I traded a young stud in the making to the Current CFCL Champions for a guy that couldn’t be successful in Colorado before they installed the humidors. But last year he found himself! He likes the dry, desert air instead of the thin, mile-high air. 271 Totals Bases and 25 steals. I know, I know, past performance is not indicative of future returns, I mean I’m not a total idiot. And Dave even said how much he enjoyed reading the Monroe Doctrine and that if I ‘was able to crank them out amid life’s other distractions he would read ‘em.’ Can you get over that? A tenured professor, busy trying to make sense of the crazy Presidential Race that will be decided in 22 short months saying that he will find time to read my meager words. How can you not trust a guy that a UNIVERSITY has entrusted with the minds of the next generation?”
Helloooo my all-too-familiar home, 12th place.
In fact, I have been overwhelmed with the kind words about my early submissions. Amazingly . . . these kind words have been immediately followed with trade offers and proposals.
And mind you the e-mails don’t lead with the trade proposal and follow with a cast off line of “Oh yeah, read the Monroe Doctrine. Nice.” The lead-in is how much the Monroe Doctrine is being enjoyed: “Can’t wait to read the next one,” “I skip past the rest of the report to read the Monroe Doctrine first”, and then the trade offer comes. So while I’m awash in the glow of adulation, I’m thinking “Gee that Matt is a swell fellow. I should do business with such a nice guy.”
And I know that you vultures KNOW THIS!!! So here I am looking at Augie Ojeda for Derek Lee and Prince Fielder, thinking “Hmm, this seems a little lopsided. But I must be missing something because he wouldn’t be trying to screw me. I mean ‘He likes me, he really likes me!’”
So just as I am about to pull the trigger on the deal, my five year old (Kristi [named for Mathewson] Grace [named for Mark]) glances over my shoulder and says “Papa are you nuts? You have to at least get a 4th round draft pick in return as well!” And then . . . the spell is broken.
I come to my senses and say “Hah! Your flirtatious overtures WILL NOT work! Oh sure, I traded a young stud in the making to the Current CFCL Champions for a guy that couldn’t be successful in Colorado before they installed the humidors. But last year he found himself! He likes the dry, desert air instead of the thin, mile-high air. 271 Totals Bases and 25 steals. I know, I know, past performance is not indicative of future returns, I mean I’m not a total idiot. And Dave even said how much he enjoyed reading the Monroe Doctrine and that if I ‘was able to crank them out amid life’s other distractions he would read ‘em.’ Can you get over that? A tenured professor, busy trying to make sense of the crazy Presidential Race that will be decided in 22 short months saying that he will find time to read my meager words. How can you not trust a guy that a UNIVERSITY has entrusted with the minds of the next generation?”
Helloooo my all-too-familiar home, 12th place.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Draft Day - A Rebroadcast
Draft Day – A Rebroadcast
Another successful CFCL Draft was completed on (no joke) April 1st 2007. In a short seven hours and 34 minutes (not counting time for potty breaks) 140 players were acquired Auction style. Here are some of the highlights. Almost all of them are true.
11:45pm (Saturday) – Rebels go to sleep with the sudden realization they have no idea who they need to draft and what it will take to build a championship team. At least there’s hope for election to the Executive Committee.
7:45 Draft Day starts with rules conversation and player movement.
7:56 Da Paul Meisters arrive
7:57 EC Election of Dave Mahlan, Dave Holian, Rich Bentel – the Maniacal Triumvirate is in place. Eric Lamb loses a close election by making the fatal error of not bringing the Krispy Kremes.
7:59 Dave Mahlan brags about his tripod and The Professor notices how nice the Head Rebel smells, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
8:02 Ruffins start the race by bidding on Rollins; Lambchops surprise all by outbidding Stones at .38
8:18 First request of “What’s the Bid” goes to Matt Grage on Jason Bay
8:23 First “Asleep at the Wheel” instance, the Stones on Andruw Jones
8:27 An owner notices Kenn standing and hopping up and down and inquires if Kenn has to use the washroom. Kenn reports that he’s had too much caffeine and can’t sit still. This bodes well for the rest of the draft.
8:36 Steve admits his plan - “Not to blink”
8:47 Stones spend more on the last two players (Delgado .41 and Oswalt .43) than the DoorMatts had available for their whole team
9:27 Teddy bids .12 (and acquires much to his dismay) the “Light Sabre Dude”
9:31 Round 2 Ends
9:35 For what will be the first of many, an owner is heard on the cell phone telling his GM “I love you”.
10:07 DoorMatts join the party in Round 3 by acquiring John Smoltz. They cringe at the realization they could have had two hours more sleep!!
10:14 Rebels make mistake of mentioning “squishy balls” a theme that will run throughout the rest of the draft.
10:24 Lambchops are the first team to be knocked out of bidding due to not enough money (Pat Burrell).
10:36 Rebels make critical error by spending .09 more than their entire budget on catchers for Chris Iannetta (.16).
11:09 Round 4 Ends
11:54 Red Hots exercise the first Home Town Discount of the day (L. Gonzalez for .05)
12 BELLS as we enter Round 6 with the opening bid of .01 on Kelly Johnson
1:17 Rebels ground into a mass of uncertainty playing the HTD game against Bob for Adam Everett. The Red Hots leap through the Door of Opportunity opened by Bentel and snag Everett for .03.
1:21 Teddy takes a shot at Kenn claiming that Kenn is five years old because he wants Matt G. to wear his fire hat next year.
1:23 First .01 player acquired by Red Hots (Alex Gonzalez)
1:42 Graging Bulls are the first team completing their draft by acquiring Craig Counsell. Little do they know that they have another two hours to wait before they can acquire their next player in the Rotation Draft.
2:41 Bentel makes the room laugh by saying that with Kenn and Nick trying to bounce the rubbers balls in distracted unison, they are an ugly version of Blue Man Group.
2:47 CFCL goes down the dark path of drugs bidding on Josh Hamilton
3:14 Nick (the Nebraska-look-a-like of Josh Groban) notices that “Christ”, brought up by the Rebels, is good for getting a bunch of saves. In actuality the Rebels were MASSIVELY frustrated at having to settle for Ausmus as their last roster spot.
3:27 With a flurry, the Lambchops, Meisters and Copperfields wrap up their drafting back to back to back.
3:36 CFCL DRAFT DAY 2007 ends with the Red Hots selecting Brad Thompson for .01
3:45 Kenn goes on line to see if perhaps TWA has a later flight out of O’Hare to the Queen City. He doesn’t seem phased by the fact that TWA stopped flying planes 15 years ago.
4:07 While waiting for the Copperfields to select their next player in the rotation round, The Professor quietly practices a few phrases to use while ordering wine from the peasants during his summer sabbatical at his villa in Italy.
4:48 Having failed to get Neil Cotts, Stones select Robbie Hammock
5:33 The final player is selected and a general sigh of relief is exhaled. Handshakes and well wishes are exchanged. On the commute home, each owner mentally analyzes their performance in the draft and secretly wishes they had a couple of do-overs. Only time will tell if Teddy stole the show with De Aza or if he created the sequel to the “Ramon Martinez Incident” [see CFCL Draft History 1992]. De Aza is officially the new currency of the CFCL, as in “I had to pay three De Aza’s at the toll booth; this promises to be much more enjoyable than what Orestes Destrada did to the CFCL minted greens [see CFCL Draft History 1993].
Another successful CFCL Draft was completed on (no joke) April 1st 2007. In a short seven hours and 34 minutes (not counting time for potty breaks) 140 players were acquired Auction style. Here are some of the highlights. Almost all of them are true.
11:45pm (Saturday) – Rebels go to sleep with the sudden realization they have no idea who they need to draft and what it will take to build a championship team. At least there’s hope for election to the Executive Committee.
7:45 Draft Day starts with rules conversation and player movement.
7:56 Da Paul Meisters arrive
7:57 EC Election of Dave Mahlan, Dave Holian, Rich Bentel – the Maniacal Triumvirate is in place. Eric Lamb loses a close election by making the fatal error of not bringing the Krispy Kremes.
7:59 Dave Mahlan brags about his tripod and The Professor notices how nice the Head Rebel smells, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
8:02 Ruffins start the race by bidding on Rollins; Lambchops surprise all by outbidding Stones at .38
8:18 First request of “What’s the Bid” goes to Matt Grage on Jason Bay
8:23 First “Asleep at the Wheel” instance, the Stones on Andruw Jones
8:27 An owner notices Kenn standing and hopping up and down and inquires if Kenn has to use the washroom. Kenn reports that he’s had too much caffeine and can’t sit still. This bodes well for the rest of the draft.
8:36 Steve admits his plan - “Not to blink”
8:47 Stones spend more on the last two players (Delgado .41 and Oswalt .43) than the DoorMatts had available for their whole team
9:27 Teddy bids .12 (and acquires much to his dismay) the “Light Sabre Dude”
9:31 Round 2 Ends
9:35 For what will be the first of many, an owner is heard on the cell phone telling his GM “I love you”.
10:07 DoorMatts join the party in Round 3 by acquiring John Smoltz. They cringe at the realization they could have had two hours more sleep!!
10:14 Rebels make mistake of mentioning “squishy balls” a theme that will run throughout the rest of the draft.
10:24 Lambchops are the first team to be knocked out of bidding due to not enough money (Pat Burrell).
10:36 Rebels make critical error by spending .09 more than their entire budget on catchers for Chris Iannetta (.16).
11:09 Round 4 Ends
11:54 Red Hots exercise the first Home Town Discount of the day (L. Gonzalez for .05)
12 BELLS as we enter Round 6 with the opening bid of .01 on Kelly Johnson
1:17 Rebels ground into a mass of uncertainty playing the HTD game against Bob for Adam Everett. The Red Hots leap through the Door of Opportunity opened by Bentel and snag Everett for .03.
1:21 Teddy takes a shot at Kenn claiming that Kenn is five years old because he wants Matt G. to wear his fire hat next year.
1:23 First .01 player acquired by Red Hots (Alex Gonzalez)
1:42 Graging Bulls are the first team completing their draft by acquiring Craig Counsell. Little do they know that they have another two hours to wait before they can acquire their next player in the Rotation Draft.
2:41 Bentel makes the room laugh by saying that with Kenn and Nick trying to bounce the rubbers balls in distracted unison, they are an ugly version of Blue Man Group.
2:47 CFCL goes down the dark path of drugs bidding on Josh Hamilton
3:14 Nick (the Nebraska-look-a-like of Josh Groban) notices that “Christ”, brought up by the Rebels, is good for getting a bunch of saves. In actuality the Rebels were MASSIVELY frustrated at having to settle for Ausmus as their last roster spot.
3:27 With a flurry, the Lambchops, Meisters and Copperfields wrap up their drafting back to back to back.
3:36 CFCL DRAFT DAY 2007 ends with the Red Hots selecting Brad Thompson for .01
3:45 Kenn goes on line to see if perhaps TWA has a later flight out of O’Hare to the Queen City. He doesn’t seem phased by the fact that TWA stopped flying planes 15 years ago.
4:07 While waiting for the Copperfields to select their next player in the rotation round, The Professor quietly practices a few phrases to use while ordering wine from the peasants during his summer sabbatical at his villa in Italy.
4:48 Having failed to get Neil Cotts, Stones select Robbie Hammock
5:33 The final player is selected and a general sigh of relief is exhaled. Handshakes and well wishes are exchanged. On the commute home, each owner mentally analyzes their performance in the draft and secretly wishes they had a couple of do-overs. Only time will tell if Teddy stole the show with De Aza or if he created the sequel to the “Ramon Martinez Incident” [see CFCL Draft History 1992]. De Aza is officially the new currency of the CFCL, as in “I had to pay three De Aza’s at the toll booth; this promises to be much more enjoyable than what Orestes Destrada did to the CFCL minted greens [see CFCL Draft History 1993].
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