Thursday, April 16, 2009

CFCL - The Next Quarter Century

The Cub Fans Club League (CFCL) embarked on the next quarter century of competition on April 5th, 2009. The day was full of business and pageantry.

The Business: kicked off at 7:30am one minute after the Candy Colored Clowns channeled their inner Stoned Meister and then fought off the disease at the last second, walking in at 7:29am.

In an Executive Committee election that came down to the final vote, Rich Bentel, David Mahlan and Michael Coulter were elected. Matt Bentel came within one vote of forcing a run-off against Coulter yet Jeff Probst still asked Matt to bring him his torch because the tribe had spoken.

Shortly thereafter a brief comment was made to remind everyone that the purpose and fun of the league is based on Draft Day. Any trades throughout the year should take into consideration that trades are meant to supplement the building process of a team, not dominate it.

Mike Bentel was introduced as The Proxy for David’s Ruffins – and as it turns out he was about to do a stellar job.

The Pageantry: with the announcement that behind a unanimous 9-0 vote of returning owners, the CFCL Championship Trophy will, from this day forward, be named The Copperfield Trophy – in honor of the CFCL’s most successful franchise (Eleven titles in Twenty-five seasons). Head Copperfield then signed the trophy ball in the spot reserved for the previous season’s champion.

At 7:50 The Ruffin Privilege (now a 25 year tradition)

began the draft with the Ruffins nominating Chase Utley. Utley, ultimately going to the Red Hots for .40, joined Dan Haren (DoorMatts - .33), Jimmy Rollins (Lambchops - .38), Brad Lidge (Bulls - .37), Todd Helton (Copperfields - .46) and . . . Ray Lankford.

** The previous clips of CFCL history come to us courtesy of League Archivist, David Mahlan. **

For the second year in a row the Rebels and Clowns had a show down over Derrek Lee. This year the Rebels blinked and the Clowns grabbed the early Nick Esasky lead with a bid of .19. But it was still a sad moment in the Rebels draft. For the first time since Lee became a Cub, he is not concurrently a Rebel. For 550 at bats this season, the Rebel faithful will be Clowns fans.

In what is believed to be a CFCL record, 54% (7 of 13) of the Home Town Discounts were exercised. Every team walking in with the rights to a HTD reacquired at least one of their eligible players except for Moore Better, who didn’t get a chance on Oliver Perez (Perez went in the 1st round of the Rotation Draft to the Revenge).

The Draft was completed at 2:15 (after the Red Hot’s picked six straight penny players).