Tuesday, October 11, 2011

That Just Gripes My Cookies

Major Frank Burns, in a moment of frustration with Army life or perhaps due to bunking with Hawkeye and BJ uttered the immortal and hilarious words “That really gripes my cookies.” This one’s for you, Ol’ Ferret Face.

Pat Hughes taking the 5th inning off.

Any commercial by ESPN’s Colin Cowherd. Leave Gert alone!

Tom Waddle complaining about how tired he is after working the weekend in LA and then flying to Chicago to do his on-air job at ESPN. Buddy, you’re the one who chose to have two jobs that require being in two different states during the same week.

People with a sense of entitlement.

My cheerleading daughter wearing an article of clothing called a spanky. Dude, that’s my daughter you’re talking about.

Morons who have to talk on their cell phones WHILE THEY’RE BACKING OUT OF A PARKING STALL!!

Advice or information that is dismissed out of hand when provided by a parent but accepted as Gospel when offered by a teacher or coach.

Darren Jackson’s condescending delivery of play-by-play or analysis. Yes, you have 2629 more Major League At Bats than 99.9% of the world but your baseball resume does not support your arrogance.

Anything spoken by Mike Greenberg or Mike Golic. Boy this is becoming ESPN heavy – I need to diversify my life a bit.

More than seven consecutive days of 80+ degree temperatures in Chicago and the Cubs won’t play their next game at Wrigley until April, 2012. #Wastedopportunity.

Using the Express Checkout line at the grocery store and experiencing either A) a customer who apparently failed the mathematical challenge of counting to 20 in grammar school, or B) the customer who is taken by surprise that once all their items have been scanned some sort of payment is required.

Joe Posnanski is just so damn good. I post things to the Monroe Doctrine for fun. But I try to take it seriously and do it well. Shoot I was on the Sports Staff of the award winning school newspaper (The Trapeze) in high school, so the resume is there. But then I read the blogs posted by Posnanski and understand the difference between what good is and what I post here. If you haven’t found his site, do yourself a favor. Visit joeposnanski.blogspot.com and enjoy. Thanks to the Killers for finding this site and passing it along.

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